

The Backdrop Here

Well, here we are. Post #1. Where to even begin...

This project is one that I've wanted to tackle for quite some time now. I have had many, many projects throughout the course of my life. Some were very meaningful, however, most were simply...not. For all of us, how much time in our lives do we spend doing things that wont mean jack shit in the grand scheme? Do we do things that will leave a lasting impression on the Earth? Do we do things that will actually help anyone except for ourselves? I think every human asks these sorts of questions of themselves at some point in their lives. What am I doing to help people? What am I doing that will leave a lasting impression? A legacy? How has my time on the Earth contributed to a greater good? Have I wasted all of my time here, or have I actually done something good? Like I mean REAL, TRULY, DEEP DOWN good?

I'm at that point.. I have done fantastic things with my life. Yes, it's great. It's all good. But now what? I want to leave a mark on...you. Why? Because I love you. I likely don't even know you. But...I have love for you. You are a fellow human being. You are ball of soul energy, just like me, and I am here to help you. Maybe not directly, maybe not indirectly, who knows. Maybe not at all? Maybe just a little? I really don't know. But I'm here to lay it down as best I can. I'm just an ordinary guy, much like all of you. Just an average, everyday guy. I'm not God, I'm not anything more special than any of you. I'm just a person that wants to spread some things about life that I have learned, in hopes that it will make somebody somewhere just a little bit more enriched, enlightened, happy, or whatever. Just something more positive than what you are now. I'm looking to assemble my life masterpiece. And I sincerely hope that all this writing and talking will one day equate to that...

This blog will cover a WIDE array of subjects. Really...just whatever I can think to share with you, about many, many topics. It may seem scattered to some. But I've got so much to share, and to confine it to one narrow path of subject matter would keep me from being real. And that's not what I am about, not at all.

As you read and listen, just remember one thing. I'm not here to convince you of anything. You can either agree or disagree with all these things that I will talk about. My ONLY aim here is to PROVOKE THOUGHT. That's it. That's all I want out of this. Doing nothing else but to provoke thought in another mind is a HUGE win for me. 

Your friend,


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