

A Good Question to Really Get to Know Somebody

These days I find so much more enjoyment from having an in depth conversation with somebody than some bullshit surface level exchange. Even with people that I have just met, I like to dive deep, go right in. Get below the surface. Waste no time. As you age, you tend to cut the crap and become more direct with people.


The Political Incubus/Succubus


One of THE most annoying parasites that you will encounter in your life will be the Political Incubi/Succubi.  What is this inferior life form? Typically these words imply beings that engage in sexual exploitation to suck the life energy out of you for personal gain or survival. In this instance, I am paralleling the process of life suck, but this is not accomplished through intercourse, but through an unsolicited political discussion. Make no mistake about it. They are at a deficit of positive life energy, and they are looking for a new host to feed on. They are not happy with the current politics of society, and in efforts to make themselves feel better, they are gonna try to sap some energy outta you.


Walking in Death's Shadow

For all of my adult life, I have had a fixation with international travel. At the time of this writing, I have been to 52 countries. Most of the time, I like to go to, what would be perceived as, fun places. You know, another nation's capital where you can take in all the most notable tourist sites, eat the local foods, drink the local drink, and rub elbows with your foreign human counterparts. These are among my most enjoyed experiences in life. Most of the time it is just plain...FUN. All forms of travel enrich your life in some way. But for me, it CAN'T always be a party. One really big element of travels that I find very meaningful is to, on occasion, be able to visit places where you can pay your respects to people who have suffered before us, and honor the history of what took place during some darker times.

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