

This Is The Truth


This article might really rub some people the wrong way. I'm sorry if it does. That's not what I'm trying to do here. But I hope after reading this you can see through to the bottom and just absorb the deeper message for what it is. That's the essence. Most seem happy enough to live in a state of denial, and there certainly is no shame in that. You aren't really here to contemplate and understand all these things that I'll assert in this article. So as long as you are a good person, I don't really care what you do or don't believe in. I can still love and respect you.

This is an understandably scary topic for most to broach it seems, and that's ok. There's nothing wrong with feeling that way or being highly skeptical. Perhaps slowly, if you continue to tune into my work I'll talk more about it. But at least as for now and this article, that's really not the point. Not at all. There is a benefit however in telling you this, and that's the only aim here. It's simply an aid to keeping a healthy mind space, and that's a large part of what I'm after with this blog. That's the only goal here. That's what I hope to give you in reading this. Not trying to anger you, make you doubt your faith, or question your existence. You can choose to believe this or not. That's up to you. I won't judge you either way. But I want to show you a reason why this acknowledgement is important to your life, and can be a tool in finding and maintaining happiness. Here's the truth:

We(humans) aren't alone. Never have been. And never will be. Not in this universe, not in this galaxy, not in this solar system, not even on this planet. I can't disclose to you how I know this...but...I know it. Feel free to stop reading at this point if that's a pill you just can't swallow.

However, if you are still here, slightly intrigued, already a believer, or at least willing to entertain the notion as a possibility, then you stand to gain something from this. Don't get too wrapped up in the curiosity right now of what other intelligence might look like, might want with us, why they're there in the 1st place, or where you stand in relationship to them. Just process the fact that "they" are "there". This is fact. Still with me? Now, I just want you to think about THIS:

I want you to think back to when you were in high school. Do you remember this little micro-cosm you existed in? That was your whole world. It mattered so much to you. All these little insignificant dramas you went through. All those moments of toil you endured. You were so damn concerned with your little friend group. What they thought. What they were doing. How they looked at you. What was going on all around you. And on and on and on. Think of all that minutiae. The stress. The pain. The worries.

Now then, do you remember that phase in time, where you finally moved on from high school? You left that little place and you went out into the "REAL" world. The vast, open, expansive real world. You had an opportunity to "look back" from another level. You soon realized that there was so much more going on all around you the whole time. That experience had a way of putting all those silly little things that happened to you in high school into perspective, right? You came to the realization that MOST of those things really didn't matter now that you had a true understanding of your place in the world. Looking back on some of the things that used to stress you out almost seem ridiculous to you now, and there is no way in hell you'd spend even a minute of your time at present in consternation over such things. You look back and ask yourself, why did I put myself through all that? It was completely unnecessary. I wish I spent more time being happy and doing _________(insert your own whatever here).

Now, let's take it one step further. Reflecting on those years you spent in high school, what were the things that really did matter at the end of it all? The relationships you formed? What kind of person you were? A bully? A good person? Something else? That was at the essence of the whole experience. And I'll bet if you could go back and do it all over again, you would:

1. Not stress out about dumb shit
2. Be a better person
3. Enjoy the whole experience more for what it was
4. Be more happy through it all

You need to learn to look at your current life this way, because, well, that's the reality. Not what you probably think it is. You're in "high school" right now being on the Earth. And all our little dumb human things don't mean jack squat when you realize our tiny place in the multiverse and all the things that are happening out there right at this very moment. All your little stupid human drama doesn't matter. So stop stressing out about it and try to BE MORE HAPPY in general. Enjoy the ride while you're here, and most importantly, do all those things that I just listed out for you. There will come a day when you look back on your time on the Earth in the same way that you now look back on your time in high school and you will see what things really did matter. You'll wish you had stressed less and enjoyed more. Mark my words.

Human politics? Human popularity contests? Human woes? Human "life issues"? Most of them are ridiculous. Lot's of them are indeed important, sure. But most, no. The next time when you are tripping out about something in your "world", think of all of whats going on "out there" right now. People make the mistake of believing their "things" are so important here on the Earth. What they are going through. Their drama. Etc. Like we are all that matters. You pompous asshole. Well that's ok. It's not your fault for thinking that way. That's by design. But if you are just able to keep the big picture in the back of your mind, there is a measure of happiness to be found in what I'm telling you here. Think about the things going on in your life and imagine how they compare to all the going ons at the system level, the galactic level, the universal level, and several rungs above that out to infinity? Quite the contrast, isn't it? Joe Biden and Donald Trump really aren't that important guys...nor is whatever stupid commotion that is stressing you out right now at this very instant. There are much bigger things going on "out there". I can assure you.

You need not concern yourself too much with what all is out there in multiverse, if at all, to be quite frank. That's not at all what you're here for. It's not necessary for you to know all about these things to complete your mission on Earth. You know what you are here for? What you are to concern yourself with? What your only jobs are while you're here? It's simple. Learn to be a good person and ENJOY your life to the max extent possible. Be happy. That's it. Easy right? You're a "kid" tasked with one simple thing...that's it. Might as well enjoy it while it lasts.

If you don't want to believe what I'm telling you, that's fine. I'm not the type of person that expects anyone to believe anything just cuz someone else says it so. I certainly don't. But I encourage you to go out there, do your own research, and draw your own conclusions. The answers are all there for you. You don't even have to dig that deep to find them. Just barely penetrate the surface and you'll find all that you need to know. Funny thing about all of us humans though, is that if you look really deeply inside yourself, you already know the truth of what I'm proposing to you.

That's the tool. Armed with a small bit of knowledge and a more lofty perspective, you can use this to find a deeper state of happiness in your life and really easily look past all the meaningless human minutiae that doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things. Just like you would do if you could take your educated, adult brain back and insert it into your high school body at that point in time. Think of how different you would operate? Just imagine...wow.

Remember when you were growing up, your parents would say things like: high school is the best time in your life! You've got nothing to worry about! Just go out there and have some fun! Just enjoy growing up and being a kid! Well, it's the same thing here. That's just life...at least for now, as long as you're in your human skin and living on this Earth. Maybe someday you'll move on to something else and have some "real" concerns.

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