

This Is The Truth


This article might really rub some people the wrong way. I'm sorry if it does. That's not what I'm trying to do here. But I hope after reading this you can see through to the bottom and just absorb the deeper message for what it is. That's the essence. Most seem happy enough to live in a state of denial, and there certainly is no shame in that. You aren't really here to contemplate and understand all these things that I'll assert in this article. So as long as you are a good person, I don't really care what you do or don't believe in. I can still love and respect you.


The Glass Vase

I've always considered glass to be a remarkable material. It can be molded into any shape imaginable and can make some truly beautiful objects. Glass has a purity about it that I find interesting, at least in the beginning. Let's consider a vase. After it is freshly made, it is perfect. It has no blemishes. It's really something to behold and appreciate. However, over time, it's bound to get some dents, some dings, some chips, etc. That's to be expected. But it still holds it's shape. Still holds water. It's still a vase. Unfortunately though, occasionally the vase breaks all together. Perhaps it is dropped, or maybe someone takes a hammer to it and smashes the shit out of it. Into 1000 pieces. Ouch...


The Car Your Parents Gave You

If you were one of those spoiled kids who's parents gave them a new car when you came of diving age, then I despise you. I had to bust my ass working since I was 14 to buy my piece o' shit 1985 Pontiac Trans Am. She was a real gem, let me tell ya. Just kidding, I don't hate you. After all, in a sense, we were all given a brand new "car" to cruise around in "down here".


Where Did James Bond Go?


Look at you. You goofy, soft, pudgy piece of shit. What the hell happened to you? You used to be slick, suave, expertly composed. Polished. A man of respect and intrigue. Now what? You act like a middle school boy. You used to be James Bond in the beginning. Where the fuck did that guy go to? Where did James bond go???

The Newtonian Success Principle

I don't think there has ever been a person on this planet that has succeeded in life without going through some measure of what I am about to talk about. Great success never comes about without some sort of rough patches, hard times, negative elements, etc. attached to it. It's just how it is. If you are someone who has found success without having some sort of trials and tribulations in the pursuit of such things, congratulations. You are a God.


The Reward For Pushing Through The Suck


One thing I have learned about life is you have got to get really good at dangling carrots out in front of your nose. In whatever way you learn to entice yourself, whatever way you mentally place yourself into the future, whatever means that you find work for you, you have got to get good at reminding yourself constantly that there is a reward for pushing though the suck.

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