

Where Did James Bond Go?


Look at you. You goofy, soft, pudgy piece of shit. What the hell happened to you? You used to be slick, suave, expertly composed. Polished. A man of respect and intrigue. Now what? You act like a middle school boy. You used to be James Bond in the beginning. Where the fuck did that guy go to? Where did James bond go???


Fellas, let me tell you the way in which you'll lose at least one woman who you really like from your life. This will happen to you at one point. Unless perhaps you wise up a bit and keep this in mind as you progress on your way.

One girl that I dated very briefly some time back put me up on some game. Bella told me something that has stuck with me. What she told me makes a lot of sense now. Especially since I lost sight of what she spoke of at a few points later on in my life and committed these mistakes myself. She told me this:

"Attracting someone initially is nothing. Maintaining someones attraction once you are in a relationship...now that...that is the real challenge. Once you are in a relationship, that's actually when you have to work the hardest at maintaining yourself. That's when the real hard work starts. And it never ends."

She was damn right. Do you act the same way as you did in the beginning when you first met your woman? Do you continue to work on your body? On your style? On your health? On your masculinity? Your character? Do you treat her the same way, or is she just your "homeboy" now? Have you gotten lazy? You started out as James Bond, you got the girl, then you morphed. Now you are Homer Simpson. You literally ACT like a completely different person now. James Bond is GONE. It's no wonder she's lost respect and attraction for you. You stopped doing the work. You did not rise to the challenge. You let yourself go. And you wonder why your woman is out bangin' the whole town?

I want you to analyze your actions in your relationship. I want you to ask yourself, is this how James Bond would act? Does James Bond curl up to his woman like a cat in a submissive manner while in bed? Does James Bond act goofy, corny, or cheesy? Does James Bond burp and fart in front of his girl? Does James Bond do these things? Fuck no. He does not. He act's like a fuckin' STUD, at every waking moment.

Ladies, you're not off the hook here either. You're getting fat, you dress like shit now, you don't act like the caring sweet woman that captivated my heart initially, and your un-LADY-like behavior is disgraceful and embarrassing to be seen around. You wonder why your man doesn't fuck you as fervently as he once did, if at all?

Like it or not guys (and girls), it NEVER ends. The work never ends. Till the day you die...I'm sorry. Yes, this shit ain't easy. Once you are in a relationship that's actually when you've got to work the hardest.

Don't get lazy. If you do, another James Bond(sexy secretary) may be right around the corner, ready to swoop in on your girl(guy).

Most people fail at this at one point (✋I have). Don't beat yourself up too hard. Just take it as a learning experience and do better next time.

Relationships are hard, aren't they? Have fun out there...

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