

The Political Incubus/Succubus


One of THE most annoying parasites that you will encounter in your life will be the Political Incubi/Succubi.  What is this inferior life form? Typically these words imply beings that engage in sexual exploitation to suck the life energy out of you for personal gain or survival. In this instance, I am paralleling the process of life suck, but this is not accomplished through intercourse, but through an unsolicited political discussion. Make no mistake about it. They are at a deficit of positive life energy, and they are looking for a new host to feed on. They are not happy with the current politics of society, and in efforts to make themselves feel better, they are gonna try to sap some energy outta you.

You know what I'm talking about. That annoying piece of shit that, out of nowhere, offers up some political fodder to spark a fiery conversation. You haven't even whispered a peep of political opinion, or perhaps NEVER once talked politics with them, but then out of the blue, they just decide to pipe up and start talking about how upset they are about the current state of politics. A COMPLETELY unsolicited opinion. Now, I want you to take one BIG note here. You NEVER hear somebody just come out of nowhere and proclaim how HAPPY and thrilled they are with the goings on of the political scene, right? It's ALWAYS negative. Always some ass hat who's pissed off with what's "going on" in politics. Clue number one that you are in the midst of a parasite. The positive, happy person does not need to "feed". The negative, upset person...does. Needs food. Needs your energy...

Now that we have identified the parasite, let's examine what exactly they are looking for in this gross solicitation of energy. As they "chum the waters", they are looking for one of 2 things. They are looking for you to either agree, or disagree with their stance. They WANT you to bite.

If you agree with them, you add charge to their energy ball. You make them feel right, justified, validated, correct, righteous in their beliefs, energized, part of a larger collective that feels the same as they do. Now they fit in! They are "not the crazy ones, because other people agree with me!" EVEN if you are aligned politically with them and are in full agreement with what they are saying, YOU ARE STILL GIVING THEM SOMETHING in the exchange. 

On the other hand, if you disagree with them, you now become a dumping ground for them to take out their displeasure and aggression upon. A target for them to aim their loaded gun at. A punching bag for them to beat so that they can get a release. An ear for them to bend. An "enemy's face" for them to unload on. Somebody that they can "educate" on what is really right and wrong in society (as if they are all knowing and eternally wise?) A person whom which they can trade their negative internal energies for some form of your positive energy. They are looking to get a rise out of you...so they can feel better. If you choose to "defend" yourself and talk shop with them, YOU ARE STILL GIVING THEM SOMETHING in the exchange. 

If you are the type of person that LOVES to argue and likes to engage in these sorts of political discussions, then by all means, knock yourself out. Have at it. That's your right to go off and bitch and banter all you want with people who want to do the same. Just leave me and my sorts of people out of it. We don't wanna be a part of your misery. Leave us happy people be. You go be upset on your own time. Don't let it bleed over onto mine.

However, if you are they type of person that values peace and quiet in your life. If you are the type of person who does not care to freely give their power away. Or if you are the type of person that prefers to save your mental/emotional life credits and your valuable positive life energy on things that are more personally important to you, then I recommend you take this tack in these situations.

Do not "engage" the parasite. Do not allow them to attach and leech off of you. Remain indifferent. Display no emotion. Offer up no "food" for the taking. DO NOT GIVE THEM ANYTHING. Change the subject. Walk away. Cut these parasites out of you life if they refuse to shut up. 

Some final facts about these sort of people:

1. You aren't going to change their mind about anything

2. Nothing that you can say or do in this moment can make them happy

3. They are weak and need energy from other people to survive

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