

How Often to Compliment a Woman


Guys, I've got to give you a little advice on how often to compliment women. Hell, the same principle could be applied for you ladies out there with regard to your man. A lot of the same psychology of receiving compliments applies to both sexes.

Any time you over do it with the compliments it tends to have the opposite effect of what you desire. It tends to over inflate the other persons ego first of all, which isn't always a good thing. You start to come across as more of a "fan" rather than an equal. Also, it cheapens your words because you use them so often. It elevates this person on to an unnecessary or perhaps unearned pedestal even. But most damning of all, is that it starts to make the other person feel like you are obsessed with them when you over do it. That turns into a big turn off, and NOBODY likes to feel that creeper vibe. If it goes to that point you start to begin to repel the object of your desire. Once the break point it breached, the woman goes running for the hills.

If you are a guy out there reading this, I KNOW you have seen this before. We have ALL made this mistake a time or two. You can't resist telling your girl how beautiful she is at every waking second of the day. Think about those results from acting like that. I'd put my life savings on the fact that this person is permanently gone from your  life.

Here's the advice that I have to give you with regard to compliments. You have to look at using them in the same way that you use a pepper shaker. Think about the fashion that you use a pepper shaker in. You don't unscrew the cap and pour the pepper over your plate of food, do you? Hell no. That would be disgusting and repulsive. You don't even use the pepper shaker every day either, nor on every single plate of food that you eat. No, you use the pepper shaker occasionally. And when you do decide to use the pepper shaker, you do so sparingly. A light sprinkle here and there every so often. Just a little dash to liven up your food. That is all that's required. If you over-do it, things get nasty.

This is a direct analogy of how often you should be complimenting your woman. Make no mistake, I'm not saying NOT to compliment your woman ever. She literally needs this. Like the grass needs sunshine, so does your lady need the occasional compliment. She needs to know that you think she's beautiful. She just doesn't need to hear it 50x a day. If you don't believe me, try it. See what happens....

Remember guys...pepper shaker. Remember the pepper shaker.

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