

Outcome Independence

I want to give you guys a key to unlock a great power in your lives. In fact, this power is something that you already have inside of you, although you may not be aware of it. It is something that you were born with and has been with you for your whole life. Do you remember the movie the Wizard of Oz? The traits they all sought from the Wizard were inside of them all along. So I guess you might say I'm not giving you anything, merely just calling your attention to it. You already have it. You've just got to recognize it.

What is this strange power that I speak of? It comes from the realization that you have complete independence from outcomes in MOST every conceivable realm of your life. Not all, but most. Due to this fact, you have the power to walk away from ANY situation as you so desire if it no longer serves you and find better in this wonderfully abundant universe we all play in. How profound. You don't have to stand for any bullshit what so ever? Talk about power.

Ok sure, there are some situations you will encounter where you are very much outcome dependent. Such as, the success of a surgery, having access to air, food, and water. But these are extreme cases and isn't really what I am getting at here.

No I am talking about that everyday people and situation stuff we all deal with that drives us nuts and wears us down. Trust me, you aren't gonna die if you walk away from that shitty partner you are with. You don't NEED them to survive. That car that the salesman is trying to ram down your throat, no you don't need that either. Your organs aren't gonna explode if you can't strike a deal on this particular car. You can find another. That crap-tastic friend you've been hanging onto that isn't really your friend and treats you like dirt? Yup, I can pretty much guarantee you that you'll keep on keepin' on just fine when you finally decide to cut em off. If you don't get that job you thought you really wanted, the world will continue to rotate. Trust me.

In each and every one of these scenarios you and your life and survival stand completely free and in the clear of the outcome which might come from from all of those things. It DOES NOT matter. Believe me, you'll proceed in life just fine, if not arguably better off in most cases.

Don't fall into the trap of allowing anything or anybody, your own self included, into coercing you to believe that you are dependent on these various "life things". You simply are not. That's the truth. Whether you like it or not, whether you choose to believe me or not, that's reality.

Once you wake up to this realization that whichever way the ball bounces in your life, or in other words WHATEVER the outcome is from most every situation you deal with, you are wonderfully independent and your life will continue to carry on just fine. The solar system isn't gonna grind to a halt tomorrow because of any such outcome. I promise you. Once you wrap your mind around this concept and put it into practice you'll start to approach life in a more light hearted manner, you'll start to take things less seriously, and you'll be generally less stressed about the outcomes from all your wheelings and dealings. You are indeed independent from all possible outcomes, so stop tripping out.

Do you feel the power yet? Walk away if something ain't right. You are independent from the outcome which will come of it.

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