

The Rebuttal for Haters


One aspect of life I've always found it hard to combat is dealing with haters. I don't care who you are, where you are, and what you are doing with your life, you are gonna cross paths with haters. Unfortunately, you will continue to have run ins with them the rest of your time on the Earth. Yes it sucks, but that's just the way this rock operates. So, it behooves you to do at least a little bit of mental fortification at some point so you can thwart these haters with ease. 

This article piggy-backs on the last one that I wrote in the sense that I am mostly making the focus on these times in our lives when we get people hating on us for pursuing our passions. You don't have to be an A list celebrity either. Every person at some point in their lives, no matter how big or how small their pursuits, will catch heat from assholes with nothing better to do with their time than to throw hate your way. Judgements, ridicule, humiliation, banter, etc. All these little things, you will see and hear this hate at some point when you are out there working on your passions.

I think it's very relevant to take a second and reflect upon these life passions we all have and appreciate their nature. Most every time you consider yourself and your passions, you must not overlook a few very important facts. By you pursuing your passions and doing things with love, you will create amazing things and make yourself into a better person along the way. By you sharing these amazing things with those around you and becoming a better person, you will make the world around you better. By you making the immediate world around you better, this will have a ripple effect and make the world as a whole into a better place on so many different levels. This is one of the most noble callings in life I feel like. To pursue your passions is truly a means of spreading good in the world. Creating positive energy. Doing something for the greater good. Simply by you pursuing your passions, you are doing exactly that. How generous of you, right? Ha, well that's the big picture, and a good reason why you should never allow yourself to be deterred from doing those things you are passionate about.

So, now that we have established the fact there is a direct correlation between pursuing your passions and you adding something good to the world, let's circle back and address these haters. Why the heck would anybody hate on someone who is doing what I have just described? Well, go back and read my last article, but the gist of it is that they are jealous of you. That's just my opinion, but you can chalk it up to anything you'd like really, it doesn't really matter. Fact remains that they are trying to knock you down for trying to bring something good to the world, and that's just ridiculous no matter how you wanna dice it up.

Anyways, I'll get to the point of the article, this rebuttal. Now first off, I make a sincere attempt to outright ignore and not engage with the haters. I've learned that feeding the trolls in life mostly yields no good, but you may find yourselves in a circumstance where a rebuttal is necessary. Even if this rebuttal only ever takes place inside your mind, that's ok too. But it's a simple thing, and it goes like this. You simply turn things around on them, and pose these sorts of questions:

What are you doing to make the world a better place?

What are you adding to the Earth?

How is your existence contributing to the greater good?

Do you even have any passions?

What are YOU doing to help other people besides yourself?

I find that these sorts of questions have a way of stopping haters dead in their tracks. Now, you might think that this rebuttal has no effect on them. They may keep coming at you with their words and their hate. They may show no physical signs of hesitation, but...I GUARANTEE you this. When this person is alone with their thoughts, when they go to sleep at night, in the deepest depths of their soul, you have stunted them. These are often the ones in life struggling to find purpose. They know deep down that they aren't bringing shit to the world. They feel this void in the depths of their being. They don't know how to come to terms with these feelings, so they spout off hate to those around them that do bring the good. Once again, they are jealous. Jealous that you even have something in life to be passionate about perhaps? Whatever the case, they would NOT be hating on you if they did truly understand all these concepts I speak of.

Wouldn't it be nice if your rebuttal served as the whack upside the head they might have needed in life? How about instead of hating on those around them for pursuing their passions, how about finding something that they themselves are passionate about which they can pursue with vigor? If they truly were doing that, they wouldn't have the time nor the care to hate on you for doing what you're doing in life, right? Try to remember this next time you are feeling the hate...


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