

Scarcity Peddlers?

Ah, scarcity peddlers. Sleazy salesmen. Snake oil merchants. Known by many names, but all share similar reasons as to why they act as they do. These types need be identified and approached with a weary caution in life. This article dovetails appropriately into the abundance mindset concept that we have discussed previously. Anyone that is trying to CONVINCE you that something is scarce in life may have ulterior motives, or perhaps not quite be what they say they are or actually have to offer what they say they do. If you find this to be the case in any of your dealings, you need to learn to move around them if necessary, or at least handle them appropriately.

Let me start out by reminding you of a few simple truths. First of all, ANYTHING that is truly "scarce" in this world stands on its own. TRUE value speaks for itself. It needs not to be talked up, explained, propped up, or otherwise "sold" to anybody or anything. Its value is WIDELY known, universally apparent, and generally regarded as such without any further efforts. I'll finish this notion off by reminding you of the reality that nothing is truly scarce in this universe, and it is only scarce because you THINK it is scarce. Enter the abundance mindset. We exist in COMPLETE abundance and you ALWAYS need to keep this in the back of your mind. It will bring you a hoard of power, and make it so that you NEVER have to settle for anything you aren't happy with in life. The hard part is keeping sight of this concept and sincerely believing in it. You and only you can adopt and procure this mindset, but when you really embrace this notion, you will harness the power of the "walk away". Being able to walk away from shitty things in life not only feels good, but allows you the freedom and availability to gravitate toward the things in life that are good for you. Try to remember both these points as we move along, and hell, for the rest of your life.

1. The "selling of scarcity" signals something
2. Nothing is scarce

In this article, I'm really not talking about physical objects. I think all of us understand when you are standing on the used car lot and the salesman is all up in your grill and excessively talking up the Pinto in the side yard, the thing is probably a lemon and has been produced in mass. No, I want to focus more on the people you surround yourself with in life. Your lovers, your friends, your peers, and sadly enough, your own flesh and blood at certain times. This is when it gets gray. The waters are muddy. Things get messed up when feelings and emotions get involved. It's not always so easy to identify when this is happening to you. It's difficult for even the most hardened of minds to cope with. I hope that this small nugget of knowledge will stick with you though, and helps you "see through the fog" at some point in your life if you are going down this road with people in your life.

The good people you choose to keep in your life should stand on their own. Their fitness for your presence should not need any SELLING! All too many times we find ourselves entangled in a variety of relationships where a person is trying to convince you that they themselves are scarce. "You'll never find another lover like me. You'll never find anyone that treats you like I do. You'll never find another person that does XYZ for you. I'm the best XYZ you're ever gonna find in the world. I'm the best friend you've ever had. You can never find another person like ME. I'm the best XYZ you're ever gonna be able to get. People like me are hard to come by." And on...and on...and on...and on. And all the while, there they are...treating you like dog shit. What's wrong with this picture? Easy to see the issue when you step back and look at it like this, isn't it?

I can tell you this, strictly speaking from my life experiences, each and every time I was involved in any way with someone who had to say these things to me, the same case held true. They were a real piece of shit, or at least had no rightful place in my life. Through the brilliant lens of hindsight, it turned out that there was a reason why they had to sell me on their "scarcity". Ironically, despite their claims of greatness, they NEVER treated me good. How odd is that?

Friends, I want you to think about the REAL SOLID people in your lives. The ones you know have your back through the thick and the thin. The ones you just know and feel deep down care for you. Have they ever once said one of these sorts of things to you? Have they ever once tried to convince you into believing that they were a scarce commodity, or the fact that you could ever find a better confidante than them? NO! As I said before, their reputation stood for itself. There was no need for any talk of how scarce they were. They were just there...present. Good for you. You have never heard statements such as those mentioned earlier come out of their mouths.

At the end of all this, I just want you to be able to step back and analyze the relationships you've had in the past, and perhaps the ones that you are in right now. Do any of these concepts rear their head in your life? Are you in a situation right now where someone is trying to convince you that they are the sort of person who is "scarce" in the world? Think about what that means. Think about how they treat you. Think about the reasons why they might need to be "selling" you. Let's be blunt here...maybe it's time you distance yourself from them if you figure out that they are not exactly what they say they are. Hopefully you don't go through years of misery before you figure some of these things out. I have. It's not fun. I often times think of the alternative relationships I've missed out on in keeping these sorts of scarcity peddlers in my life for far too long.

I want to leave you with one thing. I simply want to re-state what I said earlier. NOTHING in this universe is truly scarce. The Earth is filled with good people that need not convince you of their scarcity and their rightful place in your life. It's just up to you to push yourself and go out and find them. I get it, it's hard when you are in "bed" with a snake oil salesman. Here's a whack on the back of your head though. Wake up.

Spend your life around people who are good for you. You'll enjoy your time here more...

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