

Passion Judgers


We have all been given them. These little deep rooted seeds that were bestowed upon us at some point in life. Maybe we are born with them inside of us? Maybe they miraculously spawn inside of us during our days spent on the Earth? Who knows. But there is one thing that I am certain of, we all have some form of these inside of us. Whether or not we choose to acknowledge them, that's another story and some food for thought also. Maybe this article will nudge you into exploration mode? I hope, especially if you feel like you've been hampered by those around you...

Whatever the case may be, what I am talking about here are your passions in life. Those little seeds of amazing that were given to you so that you might examine, explore, cultivate, bask in the enjoyment of and allow to radiate out into the world around you. I'll say that again, YOU WERE MEANT to share your passions with the world, whatever they might be.

However, many of us cave to the pressures of the world around us, and we fail to execute upon these passions. Lots of times we don't even make it out of the starting gate on this pathway of pursuit, and that's a problem enough in and of itself. We defeat ourselves in our minds before we ever begin. We are worried about what those around us might think. Take a second and think about that. What if you were completely isolated on a deserted island and NOBODY could see you? Wouldn't it suddenly be easier for you to do whatever the hell you wanted and pursue these passions you've got? Sure would. What would you have already done with yourself if this was the case?

But lets snap back to reality. You are not on an island alone, and you never will be. You live in a world buzzing around with other humans, and that is something you are going to have to face and deal with when the time comes for you to evolve your passions into reality. So great, you finally worked up the courage. You've mustered up the internal strength necessary to really dig deep and explore this passion you've held onto for so long. Off you go...and then...static. Road bumps. Resistance. As the world starts to catch wind of what you are doing, the judgements start pouring in:

You're ridiculous.

You look stupid doing that.

You're not gonna be a __________.

That's not you.

Who are you trying to fool?

You're never gonna succeed at _______.

You're an idiot. 

It goes on and on. The world has got plenty to say about what you are doing. The extra shitty part about this, is that a lot of times these passion judgers are those closest to us. Our lovers, our family, our closest friends. OUCH. That hurts. Yup, and it's simply too much for most people to deal with. So what do they do? They toss their passions back to the recesses of their soul and throw a heavy, black, blanket over the top of them. They totally squelch out the light the things started casting. A real travesty. It's sad. We've all done it. We've allowed others to deter us from working on the things we are passionate about in life. Sometimes, they die with you, and never get to manifest. That's depressing to me. Imagine all the amazing things that could have been shared with the world if countless passions of eons worth of humans had not died in this fashion? Anyways, this is not what the universe had intended for you. I can guarantee you that. You didn't come here to NOT explore your passions. You came here to evolve them and share this bright light with the world around you.

So, how do we get over these passion judgers in our lives? That's the big question here. Well, like many things, once we truly understand them they suddenly become powerless. As you contemplate and understand passion judgers, in some cases you'll come to the point where you pity them. That's how you know you're onto some next level shit in life...

Anyways, once you really understand what I am about to tell you here, your power will accumulate, and I hope this provides you with some sort of impetus to get back out there and pursue those passions you've got. Here are the facts:

Anytime someone judges you for pursuing your passions, it squarely means that they are JEALOUS. In one of two ways. They are either:

1. Jealous of what it is SPECIFICALLY that you are doing.


2. Jealous that you actually have the COURAGE to go out and explore your passions. 

The honest truth about anyone that passes judgements on another person for pursuing their passions, is the fact that this is a direct reflection and an outward show of their own deep held deficiencies in life. Something they are still working on (remember the pity?) In other words, they lack the means to do what you are doing, or to reiterate, courage in life to even attempt it. That second one is the big one. Of course they are jealous of courage. That shit is hard to muster. You've got it. They want it. They go kicking and screaming through life in protest. So there they are, trying to sap your energy. Put out your light. How fucked up is that? Well, that's reality my friends. That's what's going on here. They envy you.

Once you truly understand that the ridicule is born purely of envy, you will look at these people and your interactions with them differently. You will learn to become immune to their judgements. You'll stop caring WTF other people around you think of you pursuing your passions. You'll truly adopt the "don't give a shit" attitude toward their meaningless opinions and then...then my friends...you become POWERFUL. Truly, remarkably, powerful. In a way you've never felt before. You will become super charged in life, and you will learn to pursue these passions with vigor. And guess what? When you do that? When you act upon your passions with vigor...you really start to create AMAZING. And let me tell you...that shit feels good. Real good...

My sincere hope is that once you understand and come to terms with this reality, you will use this knowledge to leap right over the passion judgers in life. Once you come to know passion judgers for what they really are, you will see that they hold no real power over you. Allow them to hold you back no more. Are you really gonna let people like this in life grab on to your ankles and prevent you from soaring? 

Let me leave you with this. People who are not judgemental of you pursuing your passions are like that for a reason. They've learned to free themselves of jealousy and envy. They have a true appreciation of what courage really is. They understand your "walk" because, well, they've done it themselves. They are not gonna be the ones who will "piss on your candle". Why don't you spend more time around these types of people? You know who they are in your life. You know right this very second as you read this who these people are in your life. I recommend you spend more time around these folks and less time around the passion judgers. Can you imagine the impact that could have on your life?

The passion judgers...hmph...don't let em hold you back guys. Don't let them dampen the light you've got to shine upon the world. This is YOUR life. These are YOUR passions. This is YOUR journey to lead. 

The only person who should really care about you pursuing your passions is YOU. Nobody else.

Whatever those things are that you are passionate about in life, go do them.

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