

Your Loss?

Do you REALLY mean that when you say it? I mean, really, really, really deep down, feel that in your soul?

Rejection is a part of life. It just is. That job you really wanted. That hot romantic flame. That person you thought was your best friend. Public perception of your hard formed creation. All of them and then some will say to you at some point....Nah, you're not good enough for me. I'll pass. REJECTED. Ugh...a bullet hole right through your gut. That shit hurts.

This element of life is hard to face. One of the coping mechanisms we are taught to use is to respond with a quick and simple phrase. "Well, that's too bad. Your loss." It makes you feel good for a moment. But how many of you utter these words, then start feeling shitty again almost as soon as the words are done rolling off your tongue?

I know, I know. Feels like a quick band-aid. A temporary thing. A small piece of soul chocolate. What's that all about though? Why is this the case?

Self doubt. You still have some deeply held self doubt. Deep down, you really don't feel like you are good enough. Will Smith had a great quote in relation to this. "YOU have to believe it before anyone else will." Rings so true. You sincerely have to feel this way about yourself before these words of "your loss" will really mean anything.

Great, now how in the heck do you accomplish this? It's simple. You must become the HIGHEST value individual that you possibly can be. You must push yourself every day to become a better version. Push hard. Relentlessly. Improvements, upgrades, enhancements. Work on yourself. EVERY DAY. Believe me, once you set off on this track, you will make a believer out of yourself. You will become strong. You will have more to offer to the world. A larger offer is a much larger loss when not acted upon. This is fact. 

Think about it this way. Imagine you had a cardboard box. You are walking around all day looking for a stranger to give this to. Inside this box, you have $2. You walk up to a prospect. Try to give it to them. They turn you down. Gosh...well...two bucks? That's really not a lot of money. They probably wouldn't even care about missing out on two free dollars. You can barely buy a hamburger for that. Oh man they wouldn't even care if they knew there was only two dollars in the box. Now let's say the next day you are walking around with the same box. However, now there is $1,000,000 in there. Same box. You approach the same person. You extend the box. Nah, they decline. As you turn around, the thoughts going through your mind are almost comical. "What a freakin' DUMB ASS! Complete idiot! Don't they know what they could have done with a million dollars?? What a moron. Welp, I'll just keep on walkin'. I'm sure I can find someone who would like to have a million dollars."

Do you see the difference here? You REALLY believe that a million dollars is more valuable than $2. This is a euphemism for your life. You aren't phased in the least bit as you walk away from the situation when your box is filled with $1,000,000.

When you use these words, "your loss", I really want you to believe in this. I want you to be able to say it and MEAN it. I truly want you to believe in the fact that your rejecter has lost the presence of a bright soul. Rejection no longer hurts when you make this the case. You just keep on rolling. On to the next one...no dwelling. 


What's in your box?

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