

They can't just look good, they actually have to BE good to you too


This one is written from a male perspective. But the same principle could be applied for the ladies out there who might be reading this. For us men, you are all probably well aware that a woman's looks can be like kryptonite. Hell, even at times very strong willed men succumb to the undeniable powers that come from a woman whom they find irresistibly attractive. We all have our "type" and damn sure our moments of weakness.

For you ladies, let's touch on the alternative characteristics. Sure looks have something to do with your psychology, but more of your man kryptonite comes from his status/power/influence/charisma, whatever you want to call it.

The point of the article is not at all to point out the differences between what men are most attracted to and what females are most attracted to. The point of it is to state the OBVIOUS and make you think about all the dumb shit that we consent to and go along with when faced with such characteristics in a counterpart. You know, those traits that make you weak. Those things that make you humiliate yourself, compromise your values, be somebody who you're not, break the law, mutilate you body, turn on loved ones...sell your soul to the devil. Yeah, all that shit. You know exactly what I'm talking about.

I hope we can agree that all of these terms describing what we are most attracted to can be used interchangeably depending on what perspective we are looking at this from. Maybe it is something else that I haven't listed here. And that's fine. Only you know what those things are for you.

Ok, enough about that. Now like I mentioned already, I'll just write the rest of this from a man's perspective. Maybe you've been in a situation like this before. Maybe you're in it now. Maybe you haven't yet come across this and you are destined to learn the hard way. It's all good. But as I guy, let me ask you this. How many times have you made excuses for your girl? How many times have you looked past things that you knew weren't right? How many times have you ALLOWED yourself to be disrespected? How many times have you made unfair sacrifices? How many times were you coerced into doing something you knew wasn't right? This list of questioning could go on for days.

But why the hell did you do all this?? I'll tell you why. I'll tell you exactly why you did it...BECAUSE SHE'S HOT!

Pure and simple. Many times, that's just all it is right there. Your dumb ass drank in her looks way too indulgently and now you find yourself loosing that which it is that makes you...well...you. You lose more and more of yourself the deeper into this pit you fall. As you go through life, I think we all get more and more proficient at spotting these sorts of things, but let's be honest. Sometimes when you are deep in the thick of it, the shit is hard to fight your way out of. 

I'm not here to beat you over the head or shake my finger at you for playing into this dynamic. We are all humans. I think we all need to be a part of situations such as these at least once to learn. So, I'm not even saying don't take theses sorts of roller coaster rides in life. Have at it. Do it.

However, what am I saying is this:

When you get to that point when you are trying to figure out, should I stay or should I go, I want you to think of this statement -

They can't just LOOK GOOD, they actually have to BE GOOD to you too. 

Notice what I said. BE GOOD. What does that mean to you? What does it look like when somebody actually treats you good? Only you know what this means to you. Might be different for each of us. But you know. You know it deep down in your heart and deep down in your soul. 

This is a non negotiable though. Stop putting up with whatever it is that you are putting up with in the name of beauty(interchange whatever word you want here for you ladies). 

Don't stop until you find somebody who is both beautiful and treats you good. This would seem to be simple advice, wouldn't it? This is a much harder path to walk that it sounds like though. Happy hunting...

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