

Duolingo on the Toilet

I have always sought out ways to learn new things, practice, or improve upon skills. There was a period of time where I was playing a lot of games on my cell phone. Mindless, stupid, time killers. Nothing else. I started thinking, what the heck am I doing? Why am I not using this time more productively. Instead of crushing imaginary cyber candies, why am I not learning something new or at least being productive? I decided to brush up on my foreign language skills. You know, something that actually has some value and can be used in the real world. Something that actually matters in my life? Ok great, I will now dedicate some small amount of time each day on my cell phone to doing just that.

That worked out great for a while, but before long I started to slip on the habit. I just wasn't able to get on the Duolingo app at least once a day for whatever stupid reason I had. If you are really going to get good at something though, it requires repetitiveness, regularity, and dedication. I started to think long and hard about this. What is something that I can use to keep myself disciplined here? Hmmm...

The light bulb went on one day! How about taking a crap?! That's perfect! Something I do once every day, something that provides a small amount of quiet. A small slice of time in my day that is usually not used for being productive which I can wedge my Duolingo lessons into! Aha! Brilliant! This will force me to work on language EVERY day! I'll just associate taking a shit with Duolingo! Genius! (I'm months in and still going strong.)

Friends, I challenge you to never look at your cell phone or the toilet the same way ever again. What a deadly combination this is. What can you accomplish in your life while sitting on the throne? Oh the heights you can soar to. Just IMAGINE the limitless possibilities! Stop using this time to scroll through IG or collect imaginary hay bails on Farmville. Do something that engages your mind. Read a scholarly article, play a word game, do a sudoku, work on a language, research investments. DO SOMETHING productive EVERYDAY (that you crap). Amazing, these cell phone doo hickeys can actually be used for something more than rotting your brain??? WHOOAAA, who would have ever guessed that?


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