

Do Challenges Really Suck?


I think for many of us, we have a way of attaching a negative connotation when we hear the word "challenge". We often think of hardship, adversity, opposition, and all sorts of other similar words that make us "think" that we hate the challenges in life. But...do we really? Do you really, sincerely think that deep down in your soul? Do challenges really suck? I want to contort your way of thinking a little bit today...

Do you remember when you were a little kid? You'd sit down with your older cousin, uncle, sibling, parent, whoever for a round of your favorite board game. You were excited to play this game. It was one of your favorites. Five minutes into the game play however, you came to a shocking realization. Hey, wait a second, they aren't even trying! They are making this too easy on me. I know I'm a little kid and they are a grown up, but geeze, they are blatantly LETTING ME WIN! In that exact instant, the game completely lost ALL ITS APPEAL. It was fun no more. There was NO CHALLENGE in it. What's the point in even playing if they are just gonna let me win? You get up and stammer off. What a waste of time. I might as well have not even bothered to play the game in the first place with them. These sorts of thoughts went from simple observations, to something that truly bothered and annoyed you. At least they did for me...

Guys, girls...could you imagine how pointless your existence would be if life LET YOU WIN all the time. Just like that grown up sitting across the game board from you, what if life provided no resistance? What fun would any of this be. What sort of development could occur? What sort of learning could you do? How could you ever expect to get better? How boring would your life be if all you did was just WIN ALL THE TIME with no exertion? Just like the board game in the eyes of a little kid, your life would likely drift into the realm of a waste of time. Why even come down here in the first place if that was all that this life was gonna be? This edges on another conversation as to the point of life in general. But it is my belief that you are simply here to learn. Why even come down and live in this skin if everything was just going to be given to you and you had NO CHALLENGES to drive this learning process? Think about that for a second...

If you had no challenges in life, would any of this really be fun for you? Be honest with yourself. This concept is something I try to keep in the back of my mind every day. Those times when things are really stacking up on me and the shit is getting thick out there in life, I try to take a pause, process this concept. Wait a second, this challenge right here...I'm actually thankful that I have it! This might suck a little bit right now, but this....this thing right here...this is gonna make me into a better version of myself, so....thank you...thank you challenge for presenting yourself. At that moment of realization, I catch a shit eating grin across my face, I stare right back at it, and I'm goin' back in for the kill.

I submit to you...LOVE the challenges. Be THANKFUL for the challenges. Go out and SEEK the challenges. 

Your life would suck without 'em, and you know that.

The next time your boss is being a complete dick head? The next time your tire blows up on the highway? The next time your lover leaves you without a warning? The next time your parakeet dies? The next time ___________? Those are all challenges. Life is one big game of challenge. That's the whole reason many of you are here. The Earth is one big challenge arena. Get used to it. Learn to love it. You are here to be tested.

Are you gonna rise up? Are you gonna shy away from all of life's challenges? Are you gonna have to keep coming back down here and repeating these lessons over and over again? 

Challenges don't really suck. They are the hammer. Life is the furnace. And you are the sword...here to be sharpened and annealed.

Get after it...



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