

Ration Through the Eyes of Your Hero


One profound tool that I have learned to implore in my life is the power to remove my mind from my own body and place it into the noggin of my hero's. Once there, I am quickly able to ration my way through the toughest of times and make some REALLY good decisions about my life. I want to describe this a little more to you, and perhaps you'll be able to use this in your life one day. It's some powerful stuff.

I want you to think deeply. I want you to try to identify someone in your life who you believe is a true blue, thoroughbred, unquestionably pure...HERO. 

Next, I want you to try to think about their attributes. I want you to think in specifics. What is it exactly about them that makes you look up to them. What are the things that make you perceive them in this light?

Both of these strands of though will be personal to each and every one of us. And that is completely OK. It's not about anybody else's perception of a hero here. This is all about you, and what YOU think. This is what will make this truly powerful for you.

I can give you just a little insight into my answers to these questions. This is just an example, and as I said, I really want you to pick one that MEANS something to you.

One person that I always looked up to in my life was my Uncle Domenic. The guy was just the epitome of an Alpha dog. He ALWAYS had a plan. He was always in charge of the situation. He didn't stand for any bullshit. He was a man of impeccably high moral standards. He always acted in a way that COMMANDED respect. He certainly wouldn't stand for any form of disrespect, and stood up for what was right in every situation. He was a natural leader. EVERYBODY looked up to him. He was a man that radiated love to those around him. He just always had his shit together. He led a very successful life. He had an unspoken presence of power about him that was undeniable. He's been dead now for 22 years, but just the fact that I still use him as my "rationing eyes" says a lot about the type person he was to leave such a long lasting impression. 

So, at these points in time when the going gets tough in my life, I often think back to my Uncle Dom. If I'm having a really hard time with something, I think...what would Uncle Dom do if he was here right now? Furthermore, the more powerful mindset I've come to adopt is....what would Uncle Dom do if he was ME?? Looking at the situation through the eyes of my Uncle provides a different perspective. Whatever I'm going through, this helps me immensely to think things like: Would my Uncle allow someone to talk to him like this? Would my Uncle put up with this bullshit? Would my Uncle allow someone to walk on him in this way? Would my Uncle allow for business to go down like this? Would my Uncle advocate in in this situation? Would my Uncle take the high road here? What would he do?

For some reason when we are able to look at our lives from a 3rd person person perspective, things become very clear. No more muddy waters. No more racing back and fourth thoughts in our minds about what to do. Things become crystal clear when we look at things through the eyes of someone like our hero. Why is that? Well, this was a person we knew all our lives as a person that was good at ALWAYS doing the right thing. You know deep down how someone like that would feel about your current situation, and what sort of actions they would take. This is the whole point here. At the end of this whole transcendental journey...whatever those things are, whatever your hero would do if he were in your shoes, or perhaps in the same room with you at this very moment giving you advice....well...that's it. That's what you SHOULD do with your situation. This is the RIGHT thing to do here...

Who's your hero? Use them. That's part of the reason they were put into your life in the 1st place...chew on that one for a while...good luck. 

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