

The Wood Burning Success Stove



I heard a great analogy the other day that provoked some thought within me. Simple message, but I liked it and wanted to pass it along.

Much like the heat emitted from a wood burning stove, so emanates the warmth of our great successes in life. But how many of us practice a bit of myopia in our pursuits? We sit there, staring in wonder at the stove, wishing, hoping, wanting to feel the heat. We don't want to do any work though. We just want the thing to throw off heat. How ridiculous is this? You sit there and ponder. Why haven't I found success? Why isn't this stove making any heat? You stand up, kick the thing, and walk off muttering a few obscenities cursing God or your dog or whoever. 

Before that stove is gonna make any heat, lot's of things have to happen, right? You've gotta go out into the woods, find a tree, chop it down, cut it up into small logs, bring it inside the house, craft an area of tinder, stack the logs into the unit, nurture a spark, coax the flames to catch, and ensure the thing turns into a full rolling flame before you walk away. You had to do the work. You had to take the steps in order. You had to create something. Then and only then can you kick back in your easy chair, feel the warmth, and marvel in appreciation at what you've just done.

Life works the same way guys and girls. If you want success, you have to DO THE WORK. There's no shortcuts. Same concept. Remember the stove the next time you're puzzled by the lack of success in your life. What are the steps toward that goal of success that you haven't taken yet?

It's out there for you. All the success you can ever handle. It's there. You've just gotta grind your axe and get movin'...

Yes, you can. 


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