

The Intermediary Periods


The "intermediary periods" in life? What the hell are those? Well, those are the time periods where 90% of your life occurs. You know, all that yardage in between the goal posts you've set up for yourself.

Life just sucks until your next vacation, huh? You can't do this that or the other until you land that new job? You are waiting for just the right time to do_____. Wtf is wrong with you? Your life exists in the NOW. Do it now. What are you waiting for? You're just gonna squander all this time you've been given until (insert whatever lame excuse you've got here)?

News flash for you, the "intermediary periods" are the majority of your life guys. Do the shit you want to do, sooner than later. Get up, now, today, right after you're done reading this article. Do something, do anything, do what you've been wanting to do but you've been putting off for whatever reason you've got. Do what makes you happy. TODAY. Why put it off? Why put off being happy into some point in the future because you think XYZ will qualify you to then be happy? Why can't you experience this now? There is no reason other than the fact that for some reason we are all really good at making excuses for ourselves about why we cant take a bite of that happiness every single day. This is ridiculous. You don't have to do epic things, like a vacation, every day to experience happiness. Ask yourself, what are those things in your life that bring you great happiness? They can be tiny things even. Whatever they might be for you, do them. Make a conscious effort to allow yourself to experience the things on a daily basis that make you happy. You don't have to wait any longer.

 Many times we find ourselves occupying the intermediary periods simply being inside our heads, mushing through our daily grind. Get outta that house. I'm kicking you out. To further that notion, a wise man once said: depression lives in the past, anxiety lives in the future. TRUE HAPPINESS lives in the NOW. Right now. Every breaking second that you've got in this life. That's where your happiness lies. LIVE it. Leave the house, NOW! Both physically and figuratively. Get your ass outta the house that is depression and anxiety, and while your at it, physically move your ass out your front door into the real world and go do some cool shit today. Go play with your friends. Remember when you were a little kid how your mom used to force you to go outside and get some fresh air, go play, and just be a kid? Same shit here. GO already...why are you still reading this article?

Go get it. You can have it. I'm giving you permission...force yourself to do things that make you happy...every...single...day...

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